The boys turned 8 in October with much celebration. Since then we have removed them from the nearby brand new public elementary school. The school is beautiful and I like and admire the principal and the boys' teachers. We parted on a difference over the intensity and tone of tight discipline. It's a difference, not a criticism.
I believe in learning, joy of learning, inspiration, encouragement, fun, action, AND routine and order. In my opinion, the order is reversed at the school. Anyway, our current program combines a private school for home schoolers and home schooling. The school provides curriculum and guides work at home, leaving the freedom for home style and selection. So far, it seems to be working; although I am not yet up to speed.
One reason, though not the only, I'm not up to speed is that my mother died last week. I'm not yet functioning well. It was quite sudden and it was, other than timing, according to her wishes. I'm glad she didn't linger and wasn't ill or in pain but I'm also shocked and incredibly sad. Thankfully, we moved across the state last summer to be closer to her and my dad and other family. I'm immensely grateful for that.
I have been amazed at the boys' ability to understand about my mother's death. They have asked knowing questions and made wise statements. We took them to see her at the funeral home since they were doing so well with it. I thought it would help them understand. They were reverant but not afraid, respectful but not silenced. They understand all but the feeling of grief and loss. They thought I was awfully lazy and tearful for a few days. When I said I wouldn't see her again, they said, "Yes you will." When I said not on earth, they said "You have her picture".
With the move to the small private school (and home) they are in the same class again. They are handling it better and causing less disruption now that they are older.